Past Wellness Minutes


U9 Wellness

Iroquois County CUSD #9

Wellness Committee Meeting

May 9, 2023



Mrs. Teresa Castonguay, RN, BSN, Unit #9 School Nurse

Jami Harris-Unit 9 Food Service

Max Fransen-Unit 9 PE teacher

Rebecca Wittenborn, Unit 9 Board Member, Parent

Karen Umbanhowar-GRS/Social Worker

Kendra Martin, GRS, WCHS Parent

Megan Martin, GRS Student

Tayler Phillips-GRS Social Worker

Krista Pufahl, WCHS PE Teacher

Sarah Chaney, 1st Grade Teacher/Unit 9 Parent

Seth and Caleb Chaney, Unit 9 Students

Jonathan Cruz-Wanda Kendall Counselor



Barry Bauer-WCHS PE Teacher/Athletic Director

Tim Miller- WJHS Athletic Trainer

Jeff Perzee-WJHS Principal

David Andriano-Superintentent

Travis Findlay-WCHS Principal

Kevin Mickuse-GRS Principal

Radonna Hasselbring-WCHS Counselor

Erica Miller-WCHS Counselor

Amy Portwood-GRS Counselor


The meeting of the School Wellness Advisory Committee was called to order at 3:45 pm by Teresa Castonguay RN, BSN, Unit 9 School Nurse.


Copies of the Unit #9 School Wellness Plan and Policy were distributed.  The school wellness policy was reviewed and discussed including Assessment of the current school wellness environment, measurement of the school wellness policy and recommendations for policy revision and implementation.


Mrs. Castonguay RN, BSN continues to weigh and measure our students to as a part of our school wellness policy including the student BMI’s. 

Students in grades K-5 are weighed and measured every 6 months (December and May of each school year) and BMI Calculations are done for each individual student. May results are reported annually in these minutes. In summary, percentages of students in grades K-5 with a BMI of 25.0 or greater have decreased significantly since the beginning of the coordinated school health grant (no longer offered) and are currently remaining fairly steady or fluctuating slightly:


Numbers from the last 10 years reported as follows:


May 2012-6.3%

December 2012-8.0%

May 2013-8.5%

December 2013-7.1%

May 2014-8.3%

May 2015- 8.1%

May 2016- 8.0%

May 2017-8.0%

May 2018-8.1%

May 2019-8.3

May 2020-COVID

May 2021-8.4 %

May 2022- 10.0

May 2023- Not Calculated yet


The dietary supervisor, Jami Harris was present at the meeting.  Per Jami  the state continues to regulate sodium levels, grams of proteins, calories, and whole grains in the food that is served in the cafeteria.  Menus have been adjusted to remain compliant with the state regulations. New entrees have been added to the menu since our last meeting, and the students seem to enjoy them.  The cafeteria continues to offer 100% juice, 1% Milk, only 200 calorie snacks and baked chips are served.  The Buildings free and reduced percentages are as follows, Wanda Kendall 71%, GRS 65%, WJHS 62%, and WCHS 56%.



The following suggestions were made by the School Wellness Advisory committee:


1.     Resume peer mentoring and adult mentoring programs.



2.     Megan Martin said she likes the school meals especially the spaghetti, but would like to see larger portions and more desserts. Mrs. Harris said that dessert can only be offered 2x/week.  Seth and Caleb Chaney again suggested baked potatoes with butter and sour cream, Chili, and Soup as possible lunch choices. Chef salads for both the staff and high school kids were also suggested.  Jami did say that they would be offering that to staff next year.



3.     Continue to encourage teachers to use “Brain Breaks“ or “Go Noodles” in the classroom to stimulate increased activity in the classroom.



4.     PE Staff clarified that PE is offered for kindergartners 3x/wk.  1-12 have it daily.  Adaptive PE was offered this year by Max Fransen for the self-contained classroom. Huge Success. Look for expansion next year.


5.     Grandparents Day was again recommended, in an attempt to show support to our rising number of grandparents raising their grandchildren in the district.


6.     Mental Health Focus at the junior high and the high school level was discussed. Needs continue to rise. Lion Quest is conducted by Mr.  Cruz for K-4, Ms. Phillips 1-5.   Lion Quest focuses being a good friend, good communicator, Good Citizen.  Good Touch/Bad Touch is done Mr. Cruz and Clove Alliance.  Good Touch/ Bad Touch focuses on appropriate touching. Child/Mind-Ms. Phillips 1-5, Mrs. Portwood 6-8 grades. Child /Mind focuses more on relaxation techniques/coping skills.  MOZOOM- Mr. Cruz got 5 free Modules and used them with the students, states it focuses on Social/emotional support. Mr. Cruz did find them helpful. He would consider using them again next year.


7.     Education covered by KCPHD this year were, STD’s, Addiction, Digital/Cyber Safety and Hazzard of Vaping. 


8.     Health Promotion for Staff- Mr. Cruz wondered about a discounted membership rate for unit 9 employees to the local gym. This was discussed again at the May 9th 2023 meeting. I will look into that for the upcoming school year 2023-2024.


9.     Family/Community Involvement-talked about the success of Family Reading Night at Glenn Raymond, suggested maybe twice a year or for it to be tied to open houses. Mentioned that Kris Miller continues to conducted trips (through unit 9 Transportation) to the Zoo and trampoline park had been offered a couple times. Both of which were very much enjoyed. The health department and Juvenile Justice partnered to provide the Hidden In Plain Sight display for both parent teacher conferences and the Mega Body Display at WCHS.


10.  “Blessings in a Bag” – is fully funded right now for the next school year.  Donations received from Kiwanis, Faith Lutheran and Calvary Lutheran. There are approximately 65 children who participate in this.



11.  Clarifications was made regarding Alcohol and Drug Prevention in the classroom. 7th graders will touch on the topic in PE class, 8th graders in Health class, Sophomores continue to utilize the “Tip the Scales” program which consists of 10 lessons.  It was mentioned that the Juvenile Justice Council received additional grant money and will be adding some lessons on vaping as well. Hidden in Pain Sight is in the works. 


12.  WCHS Grab and Go Pantry is in operation in the WCHS Guidance Office.  It is open throughout the day for items such as fast breakfast options, hygiene items, food options, can goods, etc.


13.  Nutrition Services- Jami Reported that Free breakfast and Lunches will be offered next year in all buildings.  Reported Free and Reduced rates as the following: WK 71%, GRS -65%, WJHS 62%, WCHS 56%.  Breakfast rates are 2.00/.40 reduced, Lunch 3.20/.40 reduced.


14.  All Freshman (9th graders) Attended Harbor House Presentation on “Identifying Abuse”.


15.  Healthy School Environment – Healthy Tip in Quarterly School Newsletter, Tip the Scales-Bathroom Posters-Toilet Times, Kindness Week-February, Red Ribbon Week-October, Life Education Van-Human Body/Good Choices. Skylab/GRS May 2023.


16.  Ted Talks, Mr. Nevills set up this speaker. Kids seemed to enjoy it. Consider hiring them to come in again.