Congratulations 8th Grade Volleyball! Way to Go, Utes!!!

No School

Just a reminder that there is a Porkburger Drive Thru in the circle drive at WCHS today from 3pm until 7pm!! No need to leave your vehicle, just pull in and we will take your order and bring your burgers to you! Suggested donation is $3 per burger - don't let your Valentine cook tonight!! Nothing says "I love you" like a porkburger!!

Image Credit: Haven Crouch

Attention 2025-2026 Juniors and Seniors--Interested in learning more about taking college classes while in high school? Email Casie Hanson for more information. Casie.hanson@watsekaschools.org

FFA Week is February 18-21
Image Credit: Juilann Newmann & Lauren Janssen

WCHS GBB Senior Night and Hoop Stars

Mobile Food Bank Schedule

Change in Schedule

Due to the impending forecast for Wednesday, February 12th - the Art Club Porkburger Drive Thru is rescheduled for this Friday, February 14th (VALENTINE'S DAY) from 3pm until 7pm in the circle drive at WCHS! Nothing says "I love you" like a porkburger!!!!
**If we do not sell out on Friday, porkburgers will also be sold at the Warrior HOME basketball game on Saturday, February 15th (Senior Night).

ATTENTION GRS PARENTS - Spring Picture Day has been RESCHEDULED for Friday, Feb 21st, due to forecasted weather.

PFA - Screening

Thank you to those who supported the Junior Class Super Bowl Square Fundraiser! Here are our winners!! Congrats to all!

Yesterday, WCHS Student Council visited Wanda Kendall to do Valentine's Day stations with the kindergarten classes.

Congratulations to our GRS Students of the Month for January. These are an amazing group of students who represent exactly what it means to a role model for others at GRS. Mrs. Sterrenberg could not be anymore proud of each and every one of them!!

We wanted to provide an update on the WCHS Spring Play. The dates and times remain the same, but the play that we are performing has changed. Please make plans to join us for An Act Of Piracy! Friday, March 21 and Saturday, March 22 at 7pm at the Watseka Theater. Tickets will go on sale later this month!

Image Credit: Madison Hughes

Thursday, February 6th